





Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been in a mood lately and I don't know why.
I have been getting offended a lot eaiser and people have been annoying me, which makes me complain. I don't want to be like this. I feel bad for Tanner because he is the one who has to hear it. He's good about making me feel better tho.
Why am I in this rut? I've been like this for over a week now and I don't like it.
I'm not prego. I wish that were the case tho.


  1. Man, I don't know but I feel like I've had times similar to that. Sadly I can't remember how I got over it. I know I had to really try. Maybe get out and do something really fun with Tanner since he isn't maybe on your annoying list haha. Sorry dear, this really stinks! I'm not much help.

  2. I've felt like that before. It's annoying in itself. I guess you just have to try really hard and focus on all the good. That's what I do. It helps.

  3. I'm sorry Alana that's such a bummer. Feeling like that SUCKS! I'm glad you have such a good support system tho :) I would tell you to just focus on that adorable child of yours. I know it's frustrating not to have another one but think of all the people that can't have any. At least you have that gorgeous girl to keep you company while you try for the second. That's a huge blessing you lucky girl.

  4. I'm pretty sure it's because you're NOT pregnant that you are bummed. Go to the temple and be patient. Count the days until you get to come down and play with us:) This too shall pass. I love you!
